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Win a Filthy Bad Boy: A Bad Boy Romance Page 10


  Chad felt strange, but he couldn't place the feeling. Room service had delivered their breakfast while Bonnie was in the shower, and she had left her room key for him to collect a list of clothing.

  When he woke that morning and saw his latest conquest, he caught himself in the mirror. A huge ass smile spread across his face. Hell yeah, he was the man! Maybe some—like the viewers of the show—thought she was a plain Jane, but Chad couldn't get enough of her.

  Even without a stitch of makeup, she was breathtaking and if he thought there was no way she could look more beautiful than she had the night before, watching her sleep proven him wrong. The way the morning glow radiated off her skin, rendered her irresistible, and beyond seductive.

  He’d taken many women to bed, and she certainly wasn't one of the catwalk models or the blonde bombshells, but she had qualities unmatched by any girl. He couldn't put his finger on it, but her simple beauty and voluptuousness that the magazines criticized her over were what made her all the more stunning.

  Normally, he never let women hang around after he slept with them, feeling no desire to bind himself to anyone. The trade was a fair exchange; they got a night with the famous “Mr. Steel,” and he got a little excitement. It was never about the money. Life provided too many options, so he never saw himself falling for anyone. And yet, Chad found that he didn’t want to be away from Bonnie for a single moment.

  After breakfast arrived, Chad made his way to Bonnie's room to collect her toothbrush and clothes. He wore his slate blue patterned shirt, cream colored shorts and shades. Hoping for good reception, Chad took out his cell to make a few calls. First on the list was Heather, since there were five missed calls from her, and messages that were mostly cursing and threats.

  As he walked through the empty hallway, he knew most people were above deck, and that Leslie and her camera crew wouldn’t be in the hallways. That he had lied to Bonnie about the camera crew roaming about the ship didn’t bother him; Chad wasn't the conscience-stricken type, plus he wanted Bonnie sticking around for the morning.

  The phone started to ring, but then something caught Chad's eye and he hung up before Heather could answer.

  Hello, he thought. A petite redhead brushed by him and as they passed, his eyes swept over her. He was already all hot and bothered from his night with Bonnie, so trouble was at the forefront of his mind.

  “Hey, what do you think?” she asked, lifting her top up and flashing him.

  “Sexy as hell,” Chad said, honestly.

  “They're too small, aren't they?” she asked. “I know you like them bigger. I've been following the show. You're into much larger tits, like that girl Bonnie has.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Chad asked. The fact that people on the cruise could watch the show as it aired felt surreal. “They're perfect in every way,” Chad said, referring to her breasts.

  “I'm still going to have them done,” she said. “My name is Gina. Want to feel them and tell me how big you think I should go?” Meeting him with her flirtatious green-eyed gaze, she grinned, then gave him a sexy wink.

  Chad chuckled as he took a step toward Gina, only to have the image of Bonnie hit him like a Mack truck. He froze. Something inside him stopped him dead in his tracks. His libido was more than interested, but there was no question… Mentally, he just wasn’t feeling it.

  “Maybe next time,” Chad said.

  “You're declining, Mr. Steel?” She sighed and pulled down her top.

  “It sure seems that way, doesn’t it?” Chad responded, just as confused as she was.

  Gina shrugged and disappeared down the hallway. Chad watched her leave and couldn’t believe he let her go; instead he was chasing Bonnie, like an addict chasing his next high. Chad grumbled and combed his fingers through his unruly hair.

  Suddenly his cell rang, shattering the moment. Heather—of course.

  “You called,” Chad said.

  “No, you called. Finally. And you're going to help me help you not fuck this up,” Heather said. “You need to start playing ball, otherwise they'll take you off the show and sue your ass for breach of contract.”

  “Don’t sweat it. I’ve got everything under control,” Chad said. Hearing her panic, a hint of a smile began to form.

  “And what do you think of her… Bonnie?” Heather asked, her voice, though restrained, dripped jealousy.

  His smile promptly faded. “I've done nothing but annoy the hell out of her. Just another chick. Why? Wish it was you, Heather, my darlin agent?”

  “Puh—lease, don't flatter yourself. I was just making sure. Some viewers seem to believe you and Bonnie have chemistry.”

  “Bullshit.” Chad stood outside Bonnie's cabin.

  “Yeah, well, figure your shit out, Chad. Remember; you have a reputation as a bachelor to uphold. Not to mention, the couples never end up together on this show. They want an asshole who’s going to sleep with her and move on. I told Leslie you're the best. And that’s what they’re expecting.”

  “You got it. I won't let you down,” Chad said. “Promise.”

  When they hung up, Chad gathered Bonnie's things—clothes, toothbrush, makeup, and other accessories. As he looked around the room, he spotted Bonnie's computer. He wondered if she had written anything about him, but talking a few steps over to it, he immediately shelved his curiosity.

  Before he made his way back, a wicked thought flashed across his mind. He decided to pay a visit to the ladies clothing store on the Main Street of the ship.


  “How about a little look, just a peek,” Chad said, as he stood at the entrance of the meeting hall, where they were supposed to shoot the next scene.

  “You're vulgar,” Bonnie said, trying to pull her skirt a little lower. “You did this to get back at me for hiding your clothes. Didn't you?” There was not enough makeup in the world to disguise the scarlet of her cheeks.

  “Come on now, that’d be petty,” he said, grinning. “You told me to get your underwear.”

  “Yeah, because you hid my clothes. And you're trying to tell me that you are not getting back at me for anything? I told you to bag my clothes and bring them over.”

  “I couldn’t find your underwear, so I bought a pair.”

  “They're trashy. I can’t believe you did this to me,” Bonnie said. Earlier, he had left a pair of crotch-less, bright pink, thong underwear on his bed for her to discover after she got out of the shower. It took her a second to register what they were. It took her another second to register Chad had bought them. It was going to take her forever to get over the embarrassment. She didn’t know how, but she intended on getting him back.

  “You know what would make it easier?” he asked as his mouth rose into a grin. “Take them off.”

  “Are you insane? I'm not about to go in a room filled with people with no underwear on. Even these ridiculous things are better than nothing.”

  “Why not?” he asked.

  “Because they're about to start filming. I don't want to accidentally get caught on camera. Besides, I’d be too nervous.”

  He undid his fly, dropped his pants, and stood there with no underwear on either. “Feel better? Solidarity!” he said with a laugh.

  "What’s gotten into you, Chad? What if someone walked out right now!” Bonnie looked over her shoulder. “Put that thing away. Even you can't be this reckless!” She swirled back to face him.

  “You're the one who's staring like I've just unwrapped the greatest Christmas present ever,” Chad said, grinning. “Maybe that's the reason you don't want anyone walking out and discovering us.”

  “You're delusional,” Bonnie said. “Now would you pull your damn pants up.” She opened the door, slightly, trying to make sure no one was coming.

  “Come on. Just a quick one?” He whispered, fingers encircling his thick shaft. With the other hand, he reached out and grabbed for her.

  Bonnie's mouth became dry. This was the type of impulsively flagrant gesture
that made Chad, Chad. She felt herself begin to sway. “No, Chad, we aren't doing this!” However, she closed the door, quietly.

  “Doing what? You haven't even taken off your panties, yet.” He hooked a finger beneath the hem of her skirt; the gesture along with his flirtatious smile somehow was incredibly erotic.

  Panties! Panties?

  Bonnie was instantly reminded of her ridiculous underwear. Unable to decide whether she was irritated or horny, she slapped his hand away. “Would you grow up! I just want to make sure you'll behave when we go inside. Don't try to pull any of your childish stunts.” She pointed at his hard cock. “And pull up your PANTS.”

  The abrupt sound of the door opening caused Bonnie to jump and spin around to face Leslie, who stood in the doorway scowling. Bonnie's heart stopped. She spun to look at Chad.

  “Better?” Chad asked, arranging his pants and pulling up his zipper.

  “I'm not even going to ask,” Leslie said, looking at Chad's crotch. “You're both late and we need to get a move on.” She went back inside without giving them a second glance.


  Weeks had passed and eventually, Bonnie got used to being in front of the camera. She dug deep to access her inner Colgate smile and convince the disapproving viewers, the “Bonnie skeptics” who tugged at her self-esteem, that she wasn't such a bad choice for Chad.

  “Chad's not such a bad guy. I mean, at first I didn’t understand the type of person he was, but with only a few more days left on the Caribbean, part of me wishes I had gotten to know him better in a more intimate setting.” She had rehearsed her answers after reading endless comments about her on the message boards. A few neatly arranged words, compliment or insult, shouldn't have been enough to make or break her. Then again, when it came to Chad's devoted following, things weren't that simple.

  “I just know Chad feels the same way about me,” Bonnie said. But realistically, all she could think about was that there were only a few more scenes to shoot, and then she could spend the evening writing her article.

  After her confessional scene, Bonnie checked her emails.

  To: Bonnie Jensen

  From: Johnny Walker

  Subject: Celebrity

  Hi, Bonnie, it's me again. Johnny Walker. 5’9, blonde, baby faced, the persistent, determined guy with a fair bit of spunk who used to work in the cubicle next to you. With all the press you're getting now, it's probably hard to remember me. Ha ha, I kid, I kid.

  Me and the girls, and by girls, I'm referring to Dawn, Trisha and Mia, were discussing what happened over in St. Lucia. I'm just going to come out with it, have you slept together? The world seems to think so, especially with your sudden change in attitude.

  I know, I know. You're probably thinking, “why is he watching the show?” I, like you, normally hate reality television and should exercise the same disdain for Win a Filthy Bad Boy, but damn it's gripping. I'm literally glued to the screen every time it comes on. Which is why I'm writing you right now to see if I can get the scoop on what's going on.

  I’m sure you'll be breaching your contract if you tell, so I know this is probably crazy talk. But the whole world is looking at you, so I can't help asking.

  -- JW

  Chapter Twelve

  To: Bonnie Jensen

  From: Johnny Walker

  Subject: Kiss


  The kiss. So much passion.

  So what are you going to do? I wouldn't trust him. Dawn says the same thing. Mia pretends she doesn't care or even watch the show, but I find it strange that she always has something to contribute when we're discussing it. She even thinks you've slept with him, but I don't think Mia knows what she's talking about. Except, hmm, maybe she's right and you've slept with each other off camera. In that case, you can share your secret with me. Fingers crossed, I won't tell.

  Just want to say we’re all missing you here. I can't really believe you've been gone for a month.

  P.S: It occurred to me that the kiss wasn’t a bad move. Let's not pretend Henry was a heart-stopper, but you really outdone yourself. Kissing Chad, you went from zero to a hundred in an instant.


  Somewhere in the back of her mind, Bonnie had known it was coming, Chad’s personality being a concoction of spontaneous and impulsive called for something dramatic. But as Chad reached for Bonnie, in that instant, she was caught totally off guard. Then he kissed her. Before the kiss, they had just enjoyed a candlelit dinner at an outdoor restaurant in St. Lucia. The whole place had been bought out for the filming.

  Before the kiss that broke the internet, everything was going as planned. Bonnie and Chad discussed their roles beforehand and played them out accordingly. The viewers ate it up. Chad had been eyeing the waitress all night and shooting her sly smiles whenever Bonnie's attention was averted. Although Bonnie knew he was just sticking to the script, it jabbed at her like an invisible finger.

  I'm not jealous, she told herself. This is all part of the act. And even if he actually likes her and is not acting, what do I care?

  As Bonnie was wrestling with her emotions, Chad reached for her. Seeing him stretching his arm out and having an inkling of what he was about to do, she still did nothing to stop him. Chad leaned over the table, cupped the back of Bonnie’s neck and pulled her forward. Bonnie rose to meet him, and pushing up off the table, she watched as his eyes lowered to her lips.

  Everything slowed. Bonnie tilted her head, lifted her hand to press to his hard chest. It was as if her senses were heightened; the incredibly smooth fabric of his clothes sent a thrilling sensation up her spine, causing her to curl her fingers into his shirt. She tugged and pulled. The frenzied groping threatened to spiral out of control. His lips tainted her—a reckless passion, a desire for adventure and excitement that tempted her beyond sanity.

  Their mountainous lust came to a crashing halt as she shoved Chad away, before things got carried away. Before the camera caught more than they wanted, more than they intended, something meant to be hidden, even from themselves, something they both denied.

  Breathing hard, she shot him a what-the-fuck stare. His taunting gray eyes told her what she already knew, that he simply liked to bend the rules. His lips curled into a smile.

  “You asshole,” she whispered. Bonnie lifted her hand to wipe the arrogant look off his face. Raising a hand to slap him, she found it instead reaching for the back of his neck and pulling him to her. Bonnie inhaled with equal measures of shock and arousal. Was she playing along, was this an act?

  Regardless, this was all the invitation Chad needed for his large frame to move into action. Chairs were shoved aside, wine glasses tipped over, and the table rocked. Kissing her as if he were famished, Chad walked her backwards. Her hands pulled on the silky strands of his hair and the one thing that told her that this was really happening had been the solid wall at her back. Pressing her palms to his chest again, Bonnie felt the raging beat of his heart. She broke their kiss.

  “What the hell, Chad?” Bonnie whispered, as she distantly registered the cameras in the background.

  Chad slid his finger underneath her chin, tilted it up, leaving her without an escape from his stormy gray eyes. “Are you telling me you didn't like it?” his hoarse voice asked. “Or maybe you just couldn't stand the fact you liked it?”

  “But in public, in front of the whole—”

  “I want them to see how wild you drive me.” His voice did something crazy to her insides.

  “We can't…” A knot tightened in Bonnie's throat. “Maybe we can get Leslie to cut it out or something.”

  “We're streaming live, remember?” Chad said, smiling.

  Bonnie blew a sharp breath, feeling as if the kiss scrambled her brain temporarily, leaving her in a dreamy haze. It would be a gradual process to see clearly again after his kiss had scrambled her brain.

  “Kissing me like that is going to throw the viewers through a loop. You’ve gone from detached and immature to pretty fucking intense,”
Bonnie said. “No one's going to find that believable.”

  “Tell me something. That boyfriend of yours who never got you off; did he ever kiss you in public?” Chad asked, tucking a tendril of her hair behind her ear.

  “What's that got—”

  “You haven't answered my question.” His voice, low, a perfect register.

  This wasn't the first time he had challenged her with those words. He would cut off her mental backtracking and make her acknowledge that part of herself, her wants, desires, and needs.