Win a Filthy Bad Boy: A Bad Boy Romance Read online

Page 16

  They waited in the reception area for Sam who was in a meeting. Lili, the gorgeous rust-haired receptionist, kept looking over at them. Bobby had already slipped her his number and invited her to their house in the Hollywood Hills for a party. He made sure she knew the score, they'd be no holes barred, no-strings attached sex.

  It wasn’t long before her high heels tapped across the marble floor, Bobby held out his arm, and she slid comfortably onto his lap, angling her feet and eyes in Chad's direction.

  Chad never once glanced in her direction; instead, he sprawled out on the couch and looked up at the ceiling. He found it hard to believe that he was still thinking about Bonnie. He'd called her twice and texted her double that.

  Get a clue, she's not into you.

  The signs were loud and clear; he wasn’t Bonnie's type. So why couldn't he simply move on? Perhaps the answer lie in their last night together. He asked her to be his. He never asked this of girls. That night changed the dynamic of their relationship.

  Usually he would go home with a girl, fuck her, and leave. It never mattered if they were clients or not, they all knew the deal. Mr. Steel didn't do romance or affection. If clients decided to expect more from the the Mr. Steel experience, that was their problem. But Chad never pretended there was any real connection outside of sex or friendship; he preferred his clients to know the truth. He would never fall in love.


  How the hell had he ended up on that train of thought? He needed to stop overanalyzing shit. He needed to get a grip, because he was going insane thinking about her.

  "Hey,” Dean called. “You need to snap out of whatever pussy whipped La-La Land you're in and get your shit together.”

  “What do you mean?” Chad said, running his hand through his chestnut hair.

  “He’s right,” Bobby said. “You haven't been Mr. Steel lately.”

  “Mr. Steel, hmm.” The receptionist moistened her lips, looking at each man with unabashed fascination. “I really liked Bonnie. I think she would have kept you grounded.”

  “Chad settling down?” Bobby said, a thoughtful expression creased his face. “You might be onto something there.”

  “If the big guy isn’t here in five, we’re out,” Chad said and glanced down at his watch.

  "No one walks out on Mr. Sheldon,” Lili said.

  “You don't know Chad,” Bobby said. “Chad operates on Chad’s time. He's always late but doesn't like to be kept waiting.”

  Chad was reminded how he had kept Bonnie waiting by constantly showing up to their dates late. As he looked up at the ceiling, he thought about what he would give for just a few more hours with her, a few more minutes, seconds even, just to—

  “Chad DeMarco, sorry to keep you waiting!” The voice that interrupted Chad's train of thought came from a tall, gray-haired, stoop-shouldered man in a black suit. He extended a hand to Chad. “Sam Sheldon.” They shook hands.

  “Mr. Sheldon,” Lili said, launching herself off Bobby's lap.

  “Hope Lili took good care of you guys,” he said. “Here, come into my office; we have a lot to discuss.”


  Instead of going back to her apartment where she would be trapped alone with her thoughts about Chad, Bonnie took a taxi to West 81st and sat on a small park on a bench. She stared down at his number in her phone, which had held her attention for the past five minutes. She started and stopped several times in the middle of typing the text.

  The midday sun started out idyllic, casting a pleasant, optimistic glow within her. But as she stared at Chad's number, a deep feeling of lethargy overcame her. The small park wasn't overcrowded. Mostly mothers with strollers or elderly couples walking by leisurely.

  Jill's office was nearby and though she had been too tied down with work and Dean to pounce on Bonnie and get all the gossip on her cruise, she texted Bonnie suggesting they should meet at the park during her lunch break.

  Looking down at Chad’s number, Bonnie felt indecisive. It was just one message and not worth debating. To send or not to send.

  How r u? It's weird. But I kinda miss u!

  A silhouette fell across Bonnie.

  “Hey, girl!” Jill said, sitting on the bench beside her. “You look fantastic!”

  “You too. You never told me you changed your hair,” Bonnie said, shocked to see her friend’s raven-black locks.

  "I wanted to surprise you,” Jill said. “Like it?”

  “I love it.” Bonnie said. “Color me surprised.”

  “So talk to me… tell me everything.”

  “How long do you have?”

  “About an hour.” Jill said. “Give me the Cliff’s Notes version.”

  “You want me to tell you everything that went down with me and Chad in an hour?” Bonnie asked.


  “Okay, give me a second.” Bonnie peered down at her phone and she pushed send.

  “I also want to ask you a favor,” Jill said. “It's no secret that you've been invited to this huge party…”


  “I look forward to doing business with you DeMarco. You're a stand-up guy,” Sam said as he shook Chad's hand.

  Lili looked on, doe eyed, as all three men left the building. Bobby flashed her a smile before she left. But he and Dean never stopped to talk. There were more pressing matters. As soon as they stepped outside, Dean took it upon himself to address the matter.

  “You can't screw this up. Get your shit together, man,” Dean said to Chad.

  Several times during the meeting with Sam, Chad completely spaced out. Bobby had to prod him to get his attention.

  They got into Chad's Lamborghini Aventador GT. Chad sighed.

  “Shit. I wasn't that bad, was I?” he asked. Dean nodded vehemently. Bobby, also nodding, rubbed the back of his neck and pursed his lips.

  “Shit!” Chad said. All he had thought about during the meeting was Bonnie. It was like he was ill or something. He couldn't handle the radio silence. No woman had ever affected him the way she did. It was like new feelings had been born inside of him. It was bullshit. “Sam noticed?”

  Dean, who sat in the front passenger seat, faced front and clenched his jaw. Bobby cleared his throat and leaned into the front.

  “It wasn’t that bad. He seemed to let it slide. All I want to know is what’s gotten…” He didn't finish his sentence as his phone buzzed from his pocket, causing him to lean back to check it.

  “I really don't know how to explain it,” Chad said to Dean, who faced him with a look of frustration.

  “When you acted like you'd lost your mind on that show, I thought it was all entertainment,” Dean said. “What is she to you? A challenge? A bit of fun?”

  “I thought so at first.” Chad looked away from his friend. “But now, it's like just looking at another woman, trying to imagine myself with someone else… feels weird.”

  Surprised flashed in Dean's eyes. He asked in a quiet voice, “So what are you going to do?”

  Chad looked at his friend and saw that Dean looked stunned, as if Chad were a different person.

  At that point, Bobby’s laugh ripped through the moment. He leaned forward and shoved his phone at Chad. There was a picture of the receptionist showing her breasts.

  “Lili just send me a topless selfie. I think I'm in love!” He took the phone away and sat back in his seat.

  Chad didn’t even feel a spike of arousal. Nothing. It sucked... hard. Suddenly, his own phone dinged from his pocket. Within seconds his thumbs hovered over the screen to see the incoming message. It was her. The message read:

  How r u? It's weird. But I kinda miss u!

  “Well,” Chad said. In that instant, he felt like himself again. He texted back.

  Make sure u get ur ass to the party!

  “So. What the plan for this chick?” Dean asked.

  Chad grinned.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Bonnie's gaze swept the room. She wanted to see him and have him see her. Cinched
into a casual off-the-shoulder cocktail dress in midnight blue, she sipped at her wine. Her hair was styled in an A-line Bob and dyed dark purple. And she carried her ubiquitous black bag. Despite the infrequent jitters that plagued her, she decided to cut loose and have some fun with her friends at the mansion party.

  "Oh my god, Bonnie, every guy in here has checked us out at least once,” Jill said.

  “She's not lying. A few guys have had their eye on me since we stepped into the place,” Johnny said. “You are like a cock magnet, Bonnie.

  Bonnie felt safe with Johnny and Jill. Just having them with her gave her a measure of comfort.

  "I can't believe Bonnie’s boss pulled strings to get you here,” Jill said to Johnny.

  Johnny sipped a glass of wine. “Al’s great. If you catch him in the right mood that is.”

  “Only when it comes to you, right Johnny?” Bonnie said and raised an eyebrow.

  “Tell Chad thank you for getting me here,” Jill said. “Dean obviously didn't want me here, only God knows why. I'm here for you. I don't care what he does.”

  “Whatever is or isn't going on between you and Dean right now, it’ll work itself out.” Bonnie squeezed her friend’s hand.

  They'd wandered into the cocktail party of their cinematic dreams. It was held in a large mansion with a back garden that stretched out into the darkness. It looked more like a golf course than a garden.

  In attendance were state representatives, oil tycoons, and a long list of Hollywood stars.

  Before Bonnie could set her glass down on a table, a man approached and extended his hand.

  “Charlie Wallace. Nice to meet you,” he said. “I loved the last season of Win a Filthy Bad Boy.”

  “Thank you,” Bonnie said.

  Immediately, a man in a wheelchair came up and introduced himself. Then, a woman who looked elegant in a floor-length red dress. Bonnie looked around for her friends, but it seemed they'd already disappeared.

  She answered questions and thanked people when they complimented her, but she continued to scan the garden, searching for her friends among the crowd. A group of guys gestured for her to join them. Bonnie smiled and shook her head, then continued to scan about for her friends.

  Johnny… no.

  Jill… no.

  Bonnie spotted a face she didn't quite expect to see… Leslie. The director stood with a small crowd of people, most Bonnie recognized as the crew from the set of Win a Filthy Bad Boy. Bonnie locked eyes with Leslie. A mutual spark of disdain flared between them. And as suddenly as it ignited, the heated tension dissipated as both were distracted.

  Everybody's attention focused on one point.

  “He's here,” Jill whispered in Bonnie's ear.

  “Where have you been?” Bonnie asked, turning to look at Jill.

  “Oh, I saw Tarantino, so I had to go and meet him.” Jill craned her neck to look over the heads that faced a large group of people.

  “Well, you could have at least told me you were going to leave me,” Bonnie said. “I was swarmed.” She kept her gaze on Jill, despite her mind being pulled to the front of the mansion. Bonnie struggled to keep from searching for him. Chad always had to be the last one to show up. She wondered if making an entrance was that important to him.

  “God,” Johnny said. “He sure does know how to make an entrance!”

  “And where have you…” Bonnie huffed. “Never mind. And I'm not impressed. He always wants to steal the spotlight. I don’t care.”

  It was a lie. Bonnie watched Chad and a group of fifteen people, guys and girls who looked as equally as impressive and gorgeous as Chad. They either looked like models or athletes.

  She felt invigorated, as if Chad pulsed life back into her cells. He looked badass, intense, out of place, and beautiful. And even though he didn’t appear to belong with the elite, he radiated an incongruous combination of power, confidence, and lust, that had nothing to do with his wealth and everything to do with the breed of man he was.

  The type of man who ignored Tarantino’s out stretched hand, ignored billionaires who tried to buddy up with him, and ignored the women who called to him, just so he could part the crowd and approach Bonnie. As he walked up to her, his pale gray eyes wandered over Bonnie's body.

  He stepped in front of the semi-circle of people and slid an arm around Bonnie’s waist. He wore a grey suit jacket, a white button-down, and slim fit pants, paired with a thin tie. As soon as his broad shoulders and tall frame towered over Bonnie, Chad's entourage seemed to take the hint. He was preoccupied, so they dispersed.

  “Hello to you too, Chad,” Bonnie said shakily.

  “Nice dress,” Chad said.

  Bonnie felt stupid. All of the sudden, her muscles seized up. Given that she'd seen him naked, slept with him, and spend a month in his company, Bonnie knew how ridiculous it was to feel nervous around him. The urge to flee was even more ridiculous. Nevertheless, she braced herself and her fight/flight response raged within her.

  At that point, one of the catering staff walked by carrying a tray of gold rimmed glasses, champagne flutes filled with fresh raspberries and strawberries; Chad snagged a two glasses. Bonnie caught the champagne server take a quick glance at Chad's ass. This heightened Bonnie's self-consciousness. She was dutifully aware that all eyes were on them.

  “Mr. Steel—” Jill said.

  “Chad, not Mr. Steel,” Bonnie said.

  “Yeah… I mean Chad. Anyway, thanks. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn’t be here.”

  “Don't thank me,” Chad said, though he never took his eyes off Bonnie. Nothing else was worth his attention.

  “Oh… okay,” Jill said, sounding confused. Then a tinge of recognition colored her voice. “Oh.”

  Bonnie detached her gaze from Chad to see what Jill’s oh was about. Walking up to them was the guy in the business suit from the HC Lounge back in New York—Dean.

  “Jill, can we talk?” Dean asked.

  “Sure. But if you think I've followed you here, Dean then—” Jill said.

  “Look, I know I've been…” Dean stopped, then glanced at Chad and Bonnie. He took Jill's hand and led her away. Jill looked back at Bonnie and shrugged before she followed Dean into the mansion.

  “So how have you been, Chad?” Bonnie asked, suddenly sapped of energy. She hated to admit it, but he looked handsome.

  “I hope none of these pricks have been bothering you,” Chad said, a slight growl in his voice.

  “Maybe you should have been on time for a change. Several guys have given me their number.” Bonnie smiled, teasingly.

  “That right?” Chad said. He scanned about for evidence to Bonnie’s claim. The guys who called her over earlier met his eye and they quickly looked away.

  “Relax, Chad. I was kidding.”

  Chad stared in disbelief, unable to hide his incredulity, but he dropped it.

  “You obviously have no idea how sexy you are. You’re making me hard just standing here.”

  The words that came out of Chad's mouth shocked Bonnie and exhausted her almost-threadbare composure. She prayed for an intervention and then someone evil answered her prayers.

  Leslie approached them.

  “Bonnie, I see you've kept him in shape,” she said with an ear-to-ear grin.

  “Thanks, Leslie, that's awfully nice of you.” Bonnie bit back what she really wanted to say. Leslie seemed to get off on pushing her buttons. Bonnie wasn't going to let her taint her reunion with Chad.

  “Chad… it was a pleasure working with you.” Leslie’s hand fell on Chad's chest. “I hope we get another opportunity to work together in the future.”

  “Likewise,” Chad said.

  “You and Bonnie seem to be getting along. I think that is really nice of you Chad. I guess it's all a part of your charity work, Mr. Steel”

  “Hey, watch it—” Chad said.

  But Bonnie couldn't help rounding on Leslie. Chad grabbed her waist. “Easy there. It's what she wants.”

t's so untrue,” Leslie said. “If I offended you, then I'm sorry.”

  Bonnie glowered at her. “What the hell is your problem?”

  “What? I'm sorry. I just said what everybody was thinking; you don't belong with him. Chad's several leagues above you.”

  Chad's blood began to boil. “No one talks about my woman like that…” Chad said. As soon as the words left Chad's mouth, he couldn't take them back, nor had he wanted to. Nevertheless, he stiffened and looked at Bonnie; in return, she blew a light breath and stared at him.